Discover Your Full Potential with Personalized Productivity Coaching

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards unlocking your true potential and achieving extraordinary results? Look no further! Experience the power of personalized productivity coaching based on the S.O.U.L. System, guided by a friendly and warm approach.

Together, we’ll dive deep into your unique circumstances, helping you gain crystal-clear clarity and overcome any roadblocks standing in your way. I’ll be there every step of the way, providing unwavering support as we cultivate productive habits and maximize your efficiency.

all about me activity

Choose the coaching option that resonates with you: indulge in personalized attention with 1:1 coaching or join a vibrant community in our uplifting 6-week group program. No matter which path you choose, you’ll be on a quest to unleash your productivity potential.

Don’t wait another moment to begin your transformation and let’s start creating a more fulfilling and successful life together.

You deserve to live up to your full potential, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Yes, you can have it all!

ways to WORK with me

Unlock Your Full Potential with S.O.U.L - Personalized 1:1 Coaching

Achieve extraordinary results and unlock your true potential with the guidance of a dedicated personal productivity coach. Using the powerful S.O.U.L. Productivity System, I will lead you on a transformative journey to elevate your personal and professional life.

Simplify Your Life

Streamline your life by decluttering physical and digital spaces, optimizing routines, and eliminating distractions. Experience a renewed sense of focus, clarity, and calmness that will supercharge your productivity.

Simplify your Life

Organize Your Resources

knowledge organisers

Master the art of effective time management, task prioritization, and goal setting. Together, we will create a personalized system that empowers you to regain control over your commitments and achieve more.

Understand Your Habits and Mindset

Delve into your habits and beliefs, gaining insights that will drive sustainable productivity improvements. Replace unproductive patterns with empowering ones, fostering self-awareness and cultivating a growth mindset.

i was understanding

Leverage Your Strengths

Leverage your strengths

Work smarter, not harder, by leveraging your unique strengths. Discover how to maximize productivity by focusing on what you do best and delegating or eliminating non-essential tasks. Unleash your full potential and experience unparalleled efficiency and fulfilment.

Simplify Your Life

Streamline your life by decluttering physical and digital spaces, optimizing routines, and eliminating distractions. Experience a renewed sense of focus, clarity, and calmness that will supercharge your productivity.

Simplify your Life
knowledge organisers

Organize Your Resources

Master the art of effective time management, task prioritization, and goal setting. Together, we will create a personalized system that empowers you to regain control over your commitments and achieve more.

Understand Your Habits and Mindset

Delve into your habits and beliefs, gaining insights that will drive sustainable productivity improvements. Replace unproductive patterns with empowering ones, fostering self-awareness and cultivating a growth mindset.

i was understanding
Leverage your strengths

Leverage Your Strengths

Work smarter, not harder, by leveraging your unique strengths. Discover how to maximize productivity by focusing on what you do best and delegating or eliminating non-essential tasks. Unleash your full potential and experience unparalleled efficiency and fulfilment.

You can choose between 3-month and 6-month coaching programs tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. 

Benefit from:

personalized one-on-one sessions

customized action plans

ongoing support

access to valuable resources and tools

You can choose between 3-month and 6-month coaching programs tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. 

Benefit from:

personalized one-on-one sessions

customized action plans

ongoing support

access to valuable resources and tools

Unleash Your Potential with S.O.U.L. Productivity System - 6-Week Online Group Program

Discover a simpler, more organized life and achieve extraordinary results with our 6-week online group program. The S.O.U.L. Productivity System is designed to transform your productivity, helping you achieve more with less stress and effort.

Join our 6-week online group program and unlock your productivity potential. Start your journey to a simpler, more productive life today.

What’s covered in the Course?

Embrace Your Current Situation - Understand your unique circumstances and identify productivity roadblocks to develop a tailored approach for progress.
Your Life and work - Learn proven techniques to declutter physical and digital spaces, streamline routines, and eliminate distractions.
Your Resources - Gain strategies for effective time management, task prioritization, and creating a system that keeps you on track.
Your Habits, Mindset and Why's - Delve deep into your habits and beliefs, fostering self-awareness and replacing unproductive patterns with empowering ones.
Your Strengths - Identify and maximize your unique strengths, outsource non-essential tasks, and collaborate effectively.
Take Active Action - Create a personalized action plan, translate knowledge into tangible results, and receive ongoing support and accountability.

It's Time to Clarify What You Really Want and Make a Plan to Succeed

Claudia Romero

holistic therapy near me


You can ACHIEVE your Goals

You can get CLARITY on your purpose

You can have more ME TIME


“Claudia has helped me get clarity and organised in a clear and structured way, before I would always give up due to lack of clarity”
-Ann Harrison
“I definitely feel more organised-you’ve helped me challenge myself further. I am also benefiting from planning on a Sunday night for the week ahead. This has helped improve my focus at work and at home.”
-Michelle Murray
“I have changed my mindset completely regarding how I was tackling large tasks, thanks for all your support.”
-Fiona Noble

Is this sounds like you?

There is no need to keep the same can achieve more doing less!

From out of control to perfect balance. Achieve More with less stress in as little as 6 weeks, you can transform your life. We will work together and personalise the framework I used to manage my own transformation to your own life. When others rely on you, you cannot afford to ignore your own needs.


Of course you could spend hours reading around and watching YouTube videos – but you don’t have the time for that! You would then need to implement into your life. You could start overwhelming again with all you have learnt and try to do them all at once. Rather than thinking about how you can get the info for free, maybe think about how the investment in the programme will pay for itself, more done in less time that can generate you more money in your business, more time for you and to do what it is most important for you, and all with less stress or overwhelm.


Because this time you will have someone to keep you on track, someone that want you to succeed on everything you want to move forward, because for me is important that you start to have time for you, because I believe when we have time to nurture ourselves we can achieve so much more. Because I will be your cheerleader and accountability buddy so when you feel lacking motivation I will be there to keep you moving towards your goals.


Truth bomb! We all have 24 hours a day, so you have the same amount of hours as all the rest of people in the world. I can help you, honestly, to re order your activities and priorities so you can start to see where you are not using your time efficiently, and you will see that you will start to achieve so much more without burning out. You will see that you can enjoy a balanced life doing what you really like to do and moving your business forward.


On the contrary, using all those tools will help you to have more free time to do whatever you want and be creative. Having more time will allow you to move things around at your convenience, having flexibility and know that your business would not suffer. Your mindset and health will improve because you will be in control. In time practising these new skills you will not have your days overloaded anymore.